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End of main menuTerms and conditions of use
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Banca March, S.A. informs users about the terms and conditions of use of the different official social media platforms through which the bank maintains an active presence.
Help desk and customer service
These channels are used to listen to, provide information and raise awareness of our bank amongst users. They are not customer service channels. If you have any queries, claims, complaints or would like to report an incident, you can contact any of our specialist support centres:
- Online support service
- Tel: (+34) 971 779 111
- Network of branches
- Customer Service Department, for users who are also customers of Banca March, S.A.
Terms and conditions of use of social media
The main objective is to promote social media as a channel of information, always prioritising respect for users. To this end, Banca March, as the sole administrator, reserves the right to remove, without any right to objection, any contribution that:
- Contains third-party data without their authorisation.
- It deems unlawful, disrespectful, threatening, baseless, slanderous, inappropriate, ethically or socially discriminatory or professionally reprehensible or that, in any way, may cause material or moral damages to the Banca March Group, its employees, partners or third parties.
- Contains any form of recommendation in relation to the securities markets, insider information or advertising or propaganda, on the author's own behalf or the behalf of third parties, whether natural or legal persons.
- Is redundant.
- Has no relation to the purpose of the website.
Below, the user can consult the basic rules that they are required to uphold. We ask that you read these rules of use carefully before participating:
- Respect: all users must be treated with respect. The language used must be proper and appropriate. This is not a space for disparaging third parties.
- Public forum: please bear in mid that all information, comments or data published on our profiles will be used by any user of the social media platform and the bank itself. Therefore, we ask that any comments made have something to offer other users. Any contribution made may be reproduced using any other means (online and offline), naming the source.
- Publication of content: The content we publish on our social media profiles may be downloaded or shared on other social media platforms. The material may therefore be used both publicly and privately.
Under no circumstances should information be construed as advice, a purchase or sale recommendation or negotiation in relation to any product, investment vehicle or service that we offer. Nor should it be construed as professional advice or be invoked in relation to the provisions of these documents when making an investment. If the user is a customer of Banca March, S.A., no instructions addressed to the bank shall be accepted via this channel.
You may not use our profiles to publish advertising, do business, turn a profit, seek employment, etc. User contributions must involve either making comments or creating discussions about the information provided by the bank. - Privacy: We will never ask for your online banking log in details, card number, personal credentials, etc. via social media, nor will we provide or send passwords via email, SMS or over the phone.
The symbols or logos registered by our brand are owned by the Banca March Group and must be respected and must not be used improperly.
As regards all the content we publish on social media, it is understood that Banca March reserves the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
Banca March liability and warranty
Under no circumstances shall Banca March, its subsidiaries and/or its administrators, employees or authorised staff be held liable for any damages, losses, claims or expenses of any kind, whether in relation to the use of these social media platforms, the information obtained or accessed via these means, computer viruses, operating faults, downtime in the service or line failures. The use of these social media platforms, whether by direct connection or via link or other means, constitutes a notice to any user that these circumstances may occur.
Banca March assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed on our social media profiles and shall assume no warranty for the authenticity, accuracy or reliability of the information they contain.
Banca March reserves the right to amend, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of these profiles, the links or information obtained via them, without prior notice.
The Banca March Group assumes no liability for external websites that can be accessed by clicking on links from these profiles or any content made available by third parties.
If you have any queries or would like to request clarification regarding browsing, content and/or access, we ask that the user contact the profile's administrator.
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