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End of main menuManagement of commercial risk
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Why take out credit insurance?
These policies allow you to reduce the risk of losses due to non-payment that:
- Affect the performance of your business.
- Place the brakes on your expansion.
- Can pose a threat to the continuity of your business.
Credit Insurance is the most reliable way of obtaining the peace of mind that your business needs by insuring these risks.
Why choose CESCE Banca March?
This exclusive decision-making tool divides debtors into 8 tariff groups, depending on the probability of default, helping you to ascertain and manage your commercial risk in real time.
A unique product that allows you to insure:
- From a minimum of 10% of customers accounting for this percentage of your turnover.
- Up to all of your debtors.
Save time and resources with CESCE. This easy-to-use, intuitive platform assumes responsibility for collecting late payments from debtors and reduces the impact of unpaid invoices on the stability of your business.
Thanks to the size and quality of the information it has access to, CESCE has the highest commercial risk acceptance ratio in the industry.
Furthermore, as part of its Master Oro option
CESCE is the only company that issues Insurance Certificate, facilitating access to financing at Banca March.
The limit of compensation in the event of non-payment is the risk limit granted to debtors as part of your coverage percentage, with no limit in terms of the value of premiums, unlike other products available on the market, and providing compensation within a period of 2 months, the shortest time frame on the market.
Furthermore, the service provides you with access to commercial prospecting services in national and international markets, identifying potential low-risk customers, providing a return on investment on the insurance premium.
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