Dúo Exclusive

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Because two are better than one

Let us introduce you to Duo Exclusive, a credit card and debit card that facilitates your day-to-day transactions:

Offering greater payment flexibility and access to free withdrawals at ATMs worldwide.

In addition to a full range of exclusive services for the home, leisure and your personal life.

Our services

Your day-to-day activities

  • ATM withdrawals:
    Obtain cash free of charge at Banca March ATMs and withdrawals of more than €150 at ATMs in Spain and abroad.
  • Buy now, pay later at 0% NIR, O% APR:
    Buy now, pay later with your Exclusive credit card in 3, 6, 9 or 12 rates at 0% NIR, O% APR*.
  • Mobile payments:
    Add your card to Apple Pay or Google Pay to pay easily and safely at shops, apps and websites.



"DIY" in the home service

We will arrange assistance to carry out certain installation, maintenance and adaptation work in your home whenever you require it, with a 6-month warranty. The cost of parts and materials is not included.

1 free yearly service of up to 4 hours.
From Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm. (CET)
Telephone for enquiries and to request services: +34 900 299 409.

Residential cleaning

We will provide you with cleaning professionals to help you with the general cleaning of your home, tidying up and laundry. We exclude the cleaning of carpets and upholstery.

1 free yearly service of up to 4 hours.
From Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm. (CET).
Telephone for enquiries and to request services: +34 900 299 409.

Management of traffic sanctions

We prepare and present on your behalf the documents required for you defence against administrative sanctioning procedures in matters of traffic, motor vehicle circulation and road safety initiated against you, through administrative channels. Subject to actions in Spanish territory.

2 sanctions per year.
Monday to Friday 9 am to 7 pm. (CET).
Telephone for enquiries and to request services: +34 900 299 409.

24 h. Legal aid

We offer legal assistance in emergency cases: if you are robbed or have a traffic accident, if you are stopped by a police authority, if you are subjected to an alcohol test and you exceed the established limit.

Free, unlimited telephone service, 24 hours a day, all year round.
Telephone for enquiries and to request services: +34 900 299 409.

We recommend that you contact the telephone number provided to inquire about the services included as well as any exclusions.

Legal advice

Unlimited enquiries about legal questions involving your personal circumstances. Limited to the Spanish legislation. We will respond within 24 hours, except during weekends and national holidays. It does not include the preparation of reports or opinions.

Free, unlimited telephone service.
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm. (CET).
Telephone for enquiries and to request services: +34 900 299 409.

Ticket bookings for the best shows

We will help you buy tickets for shows on the relevant websites or transfer your call to the relevant company depending on the type of ticket you are interested in.

Free, unlimited telephone service.
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm. (CET).
Telephone for enquiries and to request services: +34 900 299 409.

Travel and Leisure

Access to VIP lounges

Enjoy four visits per year with one companion at nearly 1200 lounges in airports around the world with Lounge Key.
Please remember to check access restrictions applicable to each lounge or airport. We recommend that you download the Lounge Key app and register as a user. This will help when trying to gain access and allow you to view information about the available lounges and the number of visits.


Mastercard's programme offering you access to unforgettable experiences in the biggest cities worldwide.

Mastercard Travel Rewards

The program with which you will receive partial refunds of your purchases at participating physical and online stores, as long as you pay with your Premium Credit card.

Accident and healthcare insurance when away from home

International coverage of up to €1,000,000 with your credit card and €600,000 with your debit card.

Card activation

Remember that you must activate your cards and can do so via any of the following channels:

  • Using our app or home banking.
  • Calling  (+34) 971 779 111
  • At any Banca March ATM.

Security advice

Your branch will provide you with your PIN. We recommend that you change it any Banca March ATM.

Never give your PIN to anybody, even should they request it on behalf of Banca March.

To make payments at establishments where you have to introduce your PIN into a POS terminal, remember that only you should introduce it. Do not disclose it to anybody.

And remember: the European PSD2 regulations require that financial institutions enhance the security of online cards payments. Therefore, you will need to have your usual manager or branch register a mobile phone number on your behalf. You will need to validate the purchases made online using the SMS sent to authorise them. If you do not have a mobile phone, you will be unable to shop online.

Once it expires, destroy your card by cutting it in half.

Important numbers. Save these telephone numbers to your list of contacts:

  • Card theft: (+34) 913 626 200
  • Customer service: 900 102 132

Banca March distributes insurance as a linked insurance banking operator. REGISTRATION DGS and FP: OV-0040. You can consult in this link the list of insurance and reinsurers with which we maintain an agency contract in force: www.bancamarch.es/en/people/your-day-to-day/insurance/. Accident insurance: the insurance company is Santander Seguros y Reaseguros, Compañía Aseguradora, S.A., with NIF A46003273 and address at Avenida de Cantabria s/n, 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), registered in Spain with the dgs code C0037. Travel assistance insurance: the insurance company is Europ Assistance España, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with NIF W2504100E and address at C/ Orense, 4, 28020 Madrid (Spain), registered in Spain with the dgs code E0243.

The granting of credit cards is subject to the analysis of the solvency and repayment capacity of the applicant, in line with the risk policies of Banca March, S.A.

(*) Exclusive for Exclusive credit card holders with repayment in full at month end. Representative example for the financing of a €1,500 transaction, carried out on the 1st day of the month, with no purchase deferment fee. NIR 0%, APR 0%, term: 12 months, monthly settlement, 12 rates of €125 each, French amortisation system, total amount due: €1,500. Please ask your personal adviser for the financial terms applicable when financing amounts over €6,000.  

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