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At Banca March, our aim is to offer you a high-quality, personal service; therefore, there are a variety of ways for you to send questions and suggestions comfortably and securely.
We have a dedicated FAQs section.
Customer Solutions Centre (CSC)
Through our service you can request the resolution of an incident in an agile, fast and simple way, as well as make suggestions, enquiries or send your congratulations on all the services provided by Banca March, S.A.
Once the form has been submitted, you will immediately receive an email with the file number of your application.
You can therefore choose to send us your congratulations, queries, suggestions or claims.
If you are already a user of our Online Banking service
And wish to make a request to us, please select this option. You will find the form under Profile - Requests and queries.
If you are not a Banca March customer
And wish to make a request or suggestion, please click on this option.
Please find the details of the head of Customer Services department and our Customer Ombudsman. They are responsible for handling, responding to and resolving any complaints or claims that you would like to make.
Customer Service Department
- Ms María del Mar Mainzer Estarellas
- Address: Av. Alexandre Rosselló, 8 (07002 – Palma de Mallorca)
- Email address: atencion_cliente@bancamarch.es
- Free Customer Service telephone number: 900 102 132
Customer ombudsman
- Mr José Luis Gómez-Dégano y Ceballos-Zúñiga
- Address: C/ Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 61, 8ª Derecha (28003 – Madrid)
- PO Box: 14019, (28080 – Madrid)
- Email address: oficina@defensorcliente.es
Here you can find out the required information to make a claim or complaint:
- Banca March, S.A. customer ombudsman regulations
- Banca March, S.A. customer complaint form
- Floor clause complaint procedure
Once your complaint has been filed with the Customer Service Department or the Customer Ombudsman, if you are not satisfied with the response received or one month elapse (15 days if the complaint refers to a payment service and two moths if the complaint is not related to a payment service and the claimer is a consumer non-resident in the EU or non-consumer) from the date of your complaint and you have not received a response, you are entitled to contact the following complaints services of the corresponding Financial Supervisors, depending on the matter in question. The websites provided contain the complaint forms of the corresponding organisations, which are also available at the links indicated:
- Bank of Spain complaints service: C/ Alcalá, 48 - 28014 - Madrid
- Investor relations office at the Spanish National Securities Market Commission: C/ Edison, 4 (28006 - Madrid)
- Claims service at the General Directorate for Insurance and Pension Funds: Paseo de la Castellana, 44 (28046 - Madrid)
You can also download the complaint forms at the following links:
- Link to the Bank of Spain e-Office
- Spanish National Securities Market Commission form (PDF 70 Kb)
- General Directorate for Insurance and Pension Funds form (PDF 64 Kb)
The autonomous communities of Spain that require that credit institutions with branches in their territory have complaint forms available to consumers and users are as follows:
Andalusia, Aragón, Asturias, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Galicia, Balearic Islands, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarre, Basque Country, Valencia
In compliance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, you can find below the link to the online dispute resolution platform launched by the European Commission which consumers may use to resolve any discrepancies or controversies in relation to online services http://ec.europa.eu/odr
In the case of financial services involving our branch in Luxembourg, if you do not receive a response from the Customer Services Department or the Customer Ombudsman within a period of two months, or the response is unsatisfactory, the Customer is entitled to contact the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, pursuant to the conditions established by the authority on its website www.cssf.lu to request the out-of-court resolution of their complaint.
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Département Juridique CC
283, route d’Arlon
L-2991 LuxembourgIn compliance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, you can find below the link to the online dispute resolution platform launched by the European Commission which consumers may use to resolve any discrepancies or controversies in relation to online services".
Resolve your queries or concerns personally by contacting our agents or visiting any of our branches.
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