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At Banca March, we sit down with companies, assess their needs and analyse the best way of addressing them.
Sound financial management is key to the success of any business.
How do we do this?
- We have a variety of financial products and services so that you are never in need of liquidity.
- We anticipate problems and estimate your financial needs far enough in advance.
- We listen to you and design the correct way of handling your cash needs, financing your working capital and structuring your debt in the long term.
Collection management
We know just how important it is for your business to enforce your right to receive payment.
These are the payment methods that we offer to our business customers:
Point of sale (POS) terminals
Making it possible for your customers to pay by credit or debit card.
Our advisers will provide you with information on the model that best suits your business needs: mobility, multi-currency, online payment…
More information about point of sale (POS) terminals
Credit advances
Our bank provides you with the value of commercial sales for specific transactions as part of your commercial activities.
Assignment of standing orders
This operation allows you to send remittances of receipts to your customers via online banking.
Management of payments
Manage your company's payment needs and obligations thanks to our portfolio of products and services:
Business debit and credit cards
Designed to facilitate payments, manage your company's travel and entertainment expenses, payments for office suppliers, equipment and even suppliers… Adjusting the limits to your needs.
CSBWeb remittance generator
Manage employee and supplier payments all from the comfort of your own computer.
Authorised payment
Product designed for you to confirm the promissory notes/invoices received by your company, while the bank handles your supplier payments.
Reverse factoring
This supplier payment management system allows you to:
- Simplify and reduce costs.
- Improve your image amongst suppliers by providing payment of invoices in advance.
Discover our different options:
- Post-financing and invoice repurchasing.
- Several account holders with shared limits.
- Option of early payment.
Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA)
The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) allows you to make electronic payments in euros between any resident in the SEPA area, using a single bank account and single set of financial instruments.
The SEPA consists of 34 countries: the EU 28, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino and Switzerland.
Additional information about this type of payment:
SEPA transfers (payment instrument)
Replaced national transfers and boasts the following characteristics:
- Transactions in euros.
- Both accounts involved in the transfer must be located in a country in the SEPA area.
- Equal conditions and tariffs for domestic and cross-border transactions (SEPA area countries).
- The amount will be paid, at the latest, the following business day after the date of issue by the sender.
Related websites
The use of SEPA instruments is mandatory effective 1 February 2014, according to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 260/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
SEPA direct debits (payment instrument)
These regular or ad-hoc payments can be made either domestically or cross border in any country within the SEPA area.
There are two different types, SEPA CORE/COR1* (former domestic direct debits) and SEPA B2B (new mode in which the refund/management term is reduced and the borrower waives the right to reimbursement for authorised transactions).
These are the two main differences:
DEBIT TYPE SEPA CORE / COR1* SEPA B2B DESTINATION A Transactions between companies and/or natural persons Transactions between companies and/or the self-employed REFUND/MANAGEMENT TERM Up to 5 days from the settlement date Up to 2 days from the settlement date REIMBURSEMENT TERM FOR AUTHORISED TRANSACTIONS Up to 47 days from the settlement date Not possible DIRECT DEBIT INSTRUCTIONS/MANDATES The borrower must set up a direct debit in advance. Validity of current orders. Obligation to formally arrange new direct debt instructions *SEPA COR1 direct debits are identical to SEPA CORE, although the presentation period for the paying institution is 1 day.
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