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Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for the Spanish Economy
It is structured around four transversal axes:
Click on each of the axes for more information.
Digital transformation
- 80% of the population will receive training in digital skills.
- 75% population has 5G coverage.
- 100% high-speed coverage.
- 150,000 public servants trained on working from home.
- 2.5 million SMEs will benefit from digitalisation programmes.
Ecological transformation
- Renewable energy plan.
- 250,000 electric vehicles in 2023; 5 million in 2030.
- Roll out of 100,000 charging stations.
- Large scale transformation of the energy system (100% renewable in 2050.
- Renovation of 500,000 properties.
- Works to improve coasts and water resources (restoration of 25,000 km of rivers).
Gender equality
- Axis transversal to all initiatives.
- Eliminate gender gaps.
- 65,000 nursery spaces for children aged between 0 and 3.
- 1,460 family companionship units for assisting vulnerable students.
Social and territorial cohesion
- Enhance welfare (health, education, national dependency system.
- Reformation of employment policies.
- Fair tax system.
- Programme of educational enrichment.
- 250,000 devices for use in the home.
- 200,000 new occupational training spaces.
Structured around 10 main policies:
Continuous education and training
Promotion of the culture and sports industry
Fair and inclusive energy transformation
Urban and rural agenda
Modernisation and digitalisation of SMEs
21st century public administration
New economy of care work and employment policies
Resilient infrastructures and ecosystems
Science, innovation and public health
Fair taxation
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