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End of main menu20 key reforms
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20 key reforms as part of the Recovery Plan are worth mention:
- Law on Climate Change and the Energy Transition.
- Development of a Strong and Flexible Energy System, Roll Out and Integration of Renewable Energies.
- Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap.
- Resilience and Adaptation of Ecosystems, Development and Connectivity of Green Infrastructures.
- Law on Water and the Purification, Sanitation, Efficiency, Savings and Reuse Plan.
- Modernisation of Agricultural and Fishing Policy, Soil Conservation and the Efficient Use of Water.
- Policy for Managing Waste and Promotion of the Circular Economy.
- Modernisation of the National System of Science and Support for Innovation.
- Connected Sustainable Mobility Strategy.
- New Housing Policy.
- Modernisation of Justice.
- Modernisation and Digitalisation of the Administration
- Improving Regulatory Quality and the Business Climate, Bankruptcy Reform.
- Modernisation and Strengthening of the National Health System.
- Modernisation and Strengthening of Education, Professional Training and University System.
- New Job Market Policies towards a Workers' Statute for the 21st century
- New Economy of Care Work
- Reinforcement of Inclusion and Social Service Policies.
- Modernisation and Progressiveness of the Tax System.
- Reinforcement of the Pension System.
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